Instagram: What is UGC marketing?

Grace Low
4 min readMar 15, 2020

Influencer Marketing Industry is set to grow to approximately $9.7B in 2020. Such a figure, and imagine you could simply earn 0.01 percent from it?

UGC, the shortform of “User Generated Content”. Which use influencers to post content on behalf instead of the brand’s effort, where brands can easily repost and regram UGC from users’ accounts, and nearly 100% of consumers trust recommendations from others.

Regions like Malaysia, recently that we are all eyeing on Social Media aka Instagram for new brand’s fastest and most effective promotion. Especially in the F&B chains.

Picture retrieved from
please follow Tien Tien Yogurt instagram:

The recent aggressive online marketing sample that we began to observe for the past 3 months; Tien Tien Yogurt, a brand new Malaysian’s brand for healthy Yogurt drink. Has 80 posts, but with more than 100 posts tagged from their fans, and daily stories tagged? At least 5 per day.

We’re more likely to take recommendations from friends and family members than brands when it comes time to make buying decisions — and that’s the logic behind user-generated content on social media.

UGC can generate more engagement on Instagram — meaning more comments and likes on posts. the more users engage with your stuff, the higher your posts are featured in the Instagram feed and likely to let new users to find the content in Explore lab. Effortless contents? Hell yes.

The small effort of creating a campaign with its logo: #天天酸奶 (total of 211 posts in Instagram) #天天精彩 (total of 238 posts in Instagram) . Their Daily sales minimum is 300 cups of yogurt, making them as one of the Top Yogurt Drink in Malaysia for now.

second Top post 8472 likes, 45 comments.
Top likes 8662. 16 comments.

Another example, Nike and its 2012 campaign #makeItCount. total of 1.5million posts up to-date and it is now a trend for fitness and sports. Hootsuite and #hootSuiteLife.

The crossover in between Olapic and Lululemon, which comes out with an exclusive hashtag #thesweatlife. Such campaign had invited the mass to start posting to Twitter or Instagram with their Lululemon Yoga outfit and also to talk about “sweat”

More than million tags!

It has becoming a trend to sweat, and most importantly to wearing Lululemon to make yourself fit!

picture retrieved from

And oh! Do you still remember Starbucks and its every december’s #RedCutContest?

Such campaign generates sales as it promotes a seasonal campaign. Users to buy a red cup, take a picture, hashtag and post. Starbucks will select randomly and offer you a prize.

However, brands like AirBnb, Tripadvisor, etc might have its UGC’s information asyummetry concern. And that’s where we need to leverage in between PGC and UGC. We shall speak more with this in the next topic. Someone wrote a topic about this, worth a read Hamza Ben Badour, onto you :)

Put things aside, if you happen to be in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia next time, you should try this too!

Coronavirus attack!

Address : №19, Ground Floor, Jalan SS15/4, Subang Jaya

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Opening Hours : daily 10am-12am

PS: Part of the researches are from Starbucks Coffee, lululemon athletica, and many more. Special thanks goes to

